– 2 of 7: We’re only human, after all. –

We’ve just met. You’ve taken care over your appearance, with just a touch of something that says “yep, I’m me”. I get to know you – you’re gregarious, loyal, compassionate, honest, ambitious, hard-working and courageous (yes – all of that!). How do I know you’re these things? Easy – you show me. Each time you do something to demonstrate these personality traits, something consistent with my perception of ‘who you are’, I like you more. You’re confirming who you are. My regard for you grows.

Behave differently, inconsistently, and I’m confused. My perceptions are challenged, without explanation or justification, and what I thought I knew I now doubt. I don’t like that. And, suddenly, I don’t like you.

Obvious stuff, huh? It’s a relationship, it’s emotional and it’s at the heart of being human.
So why, as communicators, do we struggle to get our organisations to see that their story is is told most believably by what they do, that their brand personality isn’t what they say it is – it’s what it actually is. That’s the reason we talk about “Being Authentic”. Being. It’s an active state.

How we visually present our organisations and what we say on their behalf only has credibility and impact if it is entirely consistent with people’s real-life experience of how we treat them. Real-life experience – the ultimate shareable content. That can make or break our individual and our organisational reputations.

Our appearance. What we say. What we do. How we treat people. That’s our brand. Consistency across these four elements is the basis for a successful relationship and a strong reputation – whether personal or corporate.

Comms Unplugged’s keynote speaker, Giles Henschel, entrepreneur co-founder and CEO of Dorset-based Olives et al, has got all four nailed. The story of how, told in Giles’ own inimitable, unpredictable way, will both educate and inspire you. Olives et al IS Giles. He’ll bring along tips that are transferable from food production line to our corporate environments – with a little imagination.

But you can do that – you’re human, after all.

By Georgia Turner
